1 – The Warm Handoff : Handover
This video provides a demonstration of how primary care providers connect patients coming for a medical visit with the member of the team that provides primary care behavioral health services (often referred to as the “Behavioral Health Consultant” or the “Health Improvement Practitioner”.
2 – BHC Makes a Decision about Time Management
Different from traditional mental health services, Behavioral Health Consultants prioritize providing access to people at the time they ask to or agree to see a behavioral health provider. Their visits are typically around 30 minutes, but they can flex their schedule and provide a more brief visit so that people can access some service on the day they are already in the clinic. Read more in Chap 5 of Behavioral Health Consultation and Primary Care: A Guide to Integrating Services, 3rd Ed. available at Springer.com.
3 – BHC Completes Interprofessional Staffing
In the Primary Care Behavioral Health approach, the Behavioral Health Consultant routinely check-ins with a Primary Care Provider after a same-day visit with an initial patient. This clip provides an example of an interprofessional staffing of a patient.
4 – PCP Requests a PCP Prep Visit from a BHC
This video clip demonstrates an interaction between a primary care provider and a behavioral health consultant. The primary care provider is requesting that the behavioral health consultant meet with the patient prior to the primary care provider beginning their visit.
5 – Duke and Feedback to Patient
In this clip, a Behavioral Health Consultant shares the results of a quality of life survey (Duke Health Profile) with a person seeking primary care.
6 – PSC 17 and Feedback to Parent:Grandparent
In this clip, a behavioral health consultant provides feedback to a grandparent on a screening tool completed in regards to her 4 year old grandson.
7 – Life Context Questions in PCBH Initial Visit
In this clip, a BHC demonstrates using a set of questions about life to gain an understanding about a young person resources and needs at this point in their life. Then, the two develop a plan designed to help the young person move forward in their life at a difficult moment.
8 – Problem Context Functional Analysis Questions in PCBH Initial Visit
In this clip, a behavioral health consultant helps a person struggling with nervousness to better understand the context for her concerns. See chapter 9 in Behavioral Consultation and Primary Care to learn more about Contextual Interviewing in the Primary Care Behavioral Health approach to integrated primary care.
9 – Use of the Bullseye Plan
In this clip, a behavioral health consultant explains the Bullseye Plan to a patient suffering with chronic pain. The patient will be joining a primary care support class that uses the Bullseye as a tool for pursuing a higher quality of life.
10 – PCBH Pathway Team Meeting
This video provides a look at the start of a Primary Care Behavioral Health pathway development meeting. A behavioral health consultant and primary care provider are setting the agenda for their meeting. Chapter 10 of Behavioral Health Consultation and Primary Care, 3rd Edition, provides detailed information about this innovative strategy for improving primary care services.
11 – Drop In Class Introduction
Behavioral Health Consultants often offer class services to primary care patients. In drop in classes, patients (new and returning) can drop into any class in an on-going series. This clip illustrates the beginning of a drop in class.
12 – Group Medical Visit Class Introduction
In the Primary Care Behavioral Health (PCBH) model, Behavioral Health Consultants (BHCs) often assist with developing and providing wholistic health services to primary care patients with a medical condition in monthly class meetings. This approach offers patients an opportunity to save time by interacting with multiple health care providers and complete labs, pick up prescriptions, etc. in one trip to the clinic. Additionally, this approach supports people in using strategies to optimize their quality of life and offers them an opportunity to meet other people living with similar life challenges. Read more in Chap 10 of Behavioral Consultation and Primary Care: A Guide to Integrating Services, 3rd Ed at Springer.com.