Behavioral Health Consultant (BHC) Core Competency Tool (CCT)

This tool is useful in teaching new Behavioral Health Consultants (BHCs) and formulating plans to support their development of higher levels of skills and knowledge consistent with the BHC role.

A qualified BHC Trainer may use the tool to rate BHC trainees on each competency during a Phase 2 (on-the-job) training. A rating of “1” is used when a BHC does not demonstrate the competency; a “2” is given if the competency is inconsistently or partially demonstrated by the BHC; a “3” is given if the BHC routinely demonstrates the competency but in just a rudimentary fashion; a rating of “4” indicates the BHC consistently and/or skillfully demonstrates the competency; ratings of “5” are reserved for competencies the BHC always demonstrates and/or demonstrates at a superior level (i.e., could teach other BHCs this competency).

A supervisor may also use this tool as part of annual BHC evaluation. Finally, BHCs may also rate themselves on this form, for periodic self-monitoring or as part of the training/supervision process.

This tool is also useful for BHCs with interests in career progression to leadership and training roles. Specifically, these BHCs will be aiming for 4 and 5 ratings on all competencies, consistent with attainment of excellence.

Download: Behavioral Health Consultant (BHC) Core Competency Tool (CCT)

Team and Primary Care Provider Core Competency Tool (CCT)

This tool provides a structure for PCPs and PC team members to use in learning information and in developing new skills to assure their success in delivering Primary Care Behavioral Health (PCBH) services. These competencies will assist them in working optimally with a Behavioral Health Consultant (BHC) and PCBH Care Extender staff (e.g., Behavioral Health Assistant or BHA, Health Coach or HC, Community Support worker or CSW), if available. The competencies are sorted into 2 areas: Part A: Clinical Work (6 competencies) and Part B: Team-based Care (12 competencies). Note that most competencies apply to all team members;
however, some apply uniquely to Primary Care Providers (PCPs), and these are shaded in grey.

This CCT is useful for self-assessment and for evaluation based on observation in practice. In using it on a regular basis, a team member or PCP can identify priorities for learning and thereby assure progress toward higher skill levels.

A rating of “1” means the PCP or team member is not demonstrating a competency; a “2” indicates that the competency is inconsistently or partially demonstrated; a “3” indicates that the person routinely demonstrates the competency but in just a rudimentary fashion, a rating of “4” indicates consistent and/or skillful demonstration of the competency; ratings of “5” are reserved for competencies that team members always demonstrate and/or demonstrate at a superior level (i.e., could teach other team members in their discipline this competency).

Chapter 6 of Behavioral Consultation and Primary Care: A Guide to Integrating Services, 3rd Ed. provides more information about each of these competencies and their potential use.

Download: Team and Primary Care Provider Core Competency Tool (CCT)